- Platformer vessel fabricated from 1¼Cr½Mo steel, with a history of internal and external cracking in weld and HAZ material
- The largest defect currently detected is known to be associated with low chromium levels in the inner part of the weld metal
- To determine whether the vessel is fit to continue in service, to the satisfaction of the regulatory authorities

- Review of previous inspection reports and defect assessments
- Consideration of the susceptibility of both standard and sub-standard weld metals to hydrogen attack, in conformity with API RP540
- Fracture mechanics calculations compatible with API RP579, using an ultra-conservative 16" long half-wall defect, so as to obviate the need to determine properties of the sub-standard inner weld metal
- Allowance on fracture toughness and crack growth rates made for the effects of the hydrogen environment
- Allowance made for weld residual stresses
- Sensitivity analysis to variation in operating conditions
- Leak-before-break demonstrated
- Critical defect sizes determined, based on normal operation and on all credible fault conditions
- Failure times by crack growth, from the mid-wall position outwards, determined for current and design operating conditions
- Safe operating temperature limits specified to allow operation for a further 30,000h
- Safe operating practices specified for pressurisation and cool-down